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how to return a detail information of URL/author from cidoc crm rdf file using sparql

Thank you for the answer but unfortunately i am not getting any result in the console, here i am attaching my code, please guide that where i am making a mistake.

          Model model=FileManager.get().loadModel("H:/EclipseWorkplace/MuseumDatabaseRecommendation/src/data3.rdf");
String spr="prefix rdf:  <>\n"+ 
        "prefix rdfs: <>\n"+
        "prefix crm:  <urn:x-stackoverflow:example#>\n"+
        "SELECT * WHERE{\n"+
        "   [ crm:E21_Person/rdfs:label ?creator\n"+
        "   ; crm:P108i_was_produced_by [ crm:P126_employed [ rdfs:label ?material ]\n"+
        "                               ; crm:P4_has_time-span [ crm:P82_at_some_time_within ?timespan ]\n"+
        "                               ]\n"+
        "   ; crm:P3_has_note [ a crm:P102_has_title\n"+
        "                     ; rdfs:label ?title\n"+
        "                     ]\n"+
        "   ]\n"+
        "  FILTER( ?creator = \"Brett WHITELEY\" ).\n"+

Query query = QueryFactory.create(spr); //s2 = the query above
QueryExecution qExe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(  query,model );
//QueryExecution qExe = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService( "", query );
ResultSet results = qExe.execSelect();
ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, results, query);

My current output is

| creator | material | timespan | title |

Thanks for your time.


  • Input Data

    In order to facilitate readability, I restructured your model into TURTLE syntax for others to read.

    @prefix rdfs:  <> .
    @prefix rdf:   <> .
    @prefix crm:   <> .
    <   /4D0BFF17-5810-4644-A550-D35EE090D4A8.png>
            a                          "Painting" ;
            rdfs:label                 "Brett WHITELEY" ;
            crm:E21_Person             [ a           <E39_Actor> ;
                                         rdfs:label  "Brett WHITELEY"
                                       ] ;
            crm:E62_String             "Painting\n" ;
            crm:P108i_was_produced_by  [ a                     crm:E12_Production ;
                                         crm:P126_employed     [ a           crm:E57_Material ;
                                                                 rdfs:label  "Oil"
                                                               ] ;
                                         crm:P4_has_time-span  [ a                            crm:E52_Time-Span ;
                                                                 crm:P82_at_some_time_within  "\n      1976\n    "
                                       ] ;
            crm:P3_has_note            [ a           crm:P102_has_title ;
                                         rdfs:label  "Interior with Time Past"
                                       ] ;
            crm:P7_took_place_at       [ a                          crm:E53_Place ;
                                         crm:E44_Place_Appellation  "    \n    5D\n    "
                                       ] ;
            crm:P91_has_unit           [ a           crm:E58_Measurement_Unit ;
                                         rdfs:label  "182.0 h * 200.0 w cm"
                                       ] .

    There are some issues with this data. For example, your painting has rdf:type the plain literal "painting", which is extremely bad. This is denoted by the a "painting" property-object pair. We can execute a query over this data, but you may wish to restructure your ontology so that it uses terms like rdf:type properly.


    For the sample data provided, the following query will extract what you are looking for:

    prefix rdf:  <>
    prefix rdfs: <>
    prefix crm:  <>
       [ crm:E21_Person/rdfs:label ?creator
       ; crm:P108i_was_produced_by [ crm:P126_employed [ rdfs:label ?material ]
                                   ; crm:P4_has_time-span [ crm:P82_at_some_time_within ?timespan ]
       ; crm:P3_has_note [ a crm:P102_has_title
                         ; rdfs:label ?title
      FILTER( ?creator = "Brett WHITELEY" ).

    will result in:

    | creator          | material | timespan             | title                     |
    | "Brett WHITELEY" | "Oil"    | "\n      1976\n    " | "Interior with Time Past" |

    Note that this is highly tailored to your particular sample data. You will need to adjust this query to match what structures are actually allowed. For (hypothetical) example, the TimeSpan instance may sometimes have a crm:P82_at_some_time_span property, or it may have some crm:exampleProperty that relates it to another values. In that case, you'd need to modify the query to use a property path to match this.

    Example Code

    public static final String queryString = "prefix rdf:  <>\n"+ 
            "prefix rdfs: <>\n"+
            "prefix crm:  <>\n"+
            "SELECT * WHERE{\n"+
            "   [ crm:E21_Person/rdfs:label ?creator\n"+
            "   ; crm:P108i_was_produced_by [ crm:P126_employed [ rdfs:label ?material ]\n"+
            "                               ; crm:P4_has_time-span [ crm:P82_at_some_time_within ?timespan ]\n"+
            "                               ]\n"+
            "   ; crm:P3_has_note [ a crm:P102_has_title\n"+
            "                     ; rdfs:label ?title\n"+
            "                     ]\n"+
            "   ]\n"+
            "  FILTER( ?creator = \"Brett WHITELEY\" ).\n"+
    public static final Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
    public void test() throws Exception {
        final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        try( final InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/so.rdf") ) {
  , null, "RDF/XML");
        model.write(System.out, "TTL");
        try( final QueryExecution exec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model) ) {
            ResultSetFormatter.out(System.out, exec.execSelect(), query);