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Symfony2 project moved from MAMPP to AMPP - many errors

I needed to reinstall my Mac and now I'm using AMPP instead of MAMP for my Apache and SQL server.

After I put my complete Symfony Projekt ( including composer.phar file ) in my www folder and launched it on localhost/www/Seotool/web/app_dev.php I get this exception:

FatalErrorException: Compile Error: Cannot redeclare class SessionHandlerInterface in /Applications/AMPPS/www/Seotool/app/cache/dev/classes.php line 1072

I also cleared the cache.

Can someone help me ?


  • I solved the issue due following steps:

    My Macbook Pro was with the Beta Yosemite OS. I deleted the recovery partition, installed OSX 10.8 Lion on my MB. After that I upgradet to the OSX 10.9 Mavericks. Then I downloaded MAMP, installed it, renamed the MAC PHP to PHP.BACKUP, made a symlink from php to /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.10/bin/php , restartet apache, downloaded composer to htdocs directory, created a new Symfony2 project, setted the user and group of this project with chown -R user:group myproject , put umask(0000) into app/console and web/app_dev.php , launched it in my Browser. It worked. So I putted my backup of my old Symfony Project, putted it into my htdocs folder, setted new correct user and group settings for this project with chown -R user:group oldsymfonyproject and voila - all worked like before :) Just need to create the database again :)