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Where is the 'man' complete function?

When i type something like this:

$ complete -p | grep -ie '\<man\>'


$ find /etc/bash_completion.d/ -iname '*man*'


$ grep -rie '\<man\>' /etc/bash_completion.d/

I don't find any trace of the complete function for the man command!

The goal is to add this completion for one of my own-made function:

complete -F <the_man_complete_function> <my_man_related_command>

Any idea?


  • I found a solution : to load the not-yet-loaded completion func, I just have to launch this in .bashrc:

    . /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/man

    Usefull links that helped me:


    To avoid loading the man completion script on every bash session start, a better solution is to write a local completion script, to put in the directory $XDG_DATA_HOME/bash-completion/completions (typically ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions), with the name of the desired command (as explained in the bash-completion FAQ).

    Here's the code I put in the script (named myman):

    # Force the load of the man completion function if it is not loaded yet:
    type -t _man >/dev/null || . /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/man
    complete -F _man myman

    With this method, the man completion function will be loaded only when required (by man, or myman).