I am trying to map a schema like this example, that has repeating records inside repeating records.
Sample File:
0000456Toy Industries56Palumbia DriveEnfield CT06082 98724
302369097 King Toy Store20 Cherry WayDedhamMA02026 TS2349
402369097 036436 Playstation 4 Entert03452449.99 20140826
402369097 036437 Msoft XBOX ONEEntert01234399.99 20140826
402369097 036438 Wooden Horse 07892 59.99 20140827
402369097 036439 Playstation 4 Entert03452449.99 20140827
402369097 036440 My First Brew Kit 99.99 20140828
302369235 Make Believe 342 Brand DriveBridgeMA02324 TS5439
402369235 054324 Playstation 4 Entert53452449.99 20140827
402369235 054325 Steam Box Ultimate 54234699.99 20140827
<Processor Record> (one per file | 1)
<Store Record> (one per store | 1+)
<Order Record> (one for each order the store had | 1+)
<Store Batch Control Record> (one per store | 1+)
<File Batch Control Record> (one per file | 1)
Each Record (line) will be broken into field elements by positional specifications
I have tried using the wizard a couple of times and manually adjusting the settings as well, but keep running into issues like this one:
The current definition being parsed is Root. The stream offset where the error occurred is 0. The line number where the error occurred is 1. The column where the error occurred is 0.
I am rather new to BizTalk and was hoping that someone may be able to give me some help on how to accomplish this task. Thanks!
Use the Tag Identifiers to indicate the type of record.
In your case, this would be:
00 Processor Record Header
30 Store Record Header
40 Order Record
60 Store Record Summary
90 Processor Record Summary
This is how I would do it:
You would have a root node with the following parameters:
Structure: delimited
Child Delimiter Type: hexadecimal
Child delimiter: 0x0a 0x0d (newline character of your choice)
Child Order: Infix
The node below that would be the "Header" node.
It's properties:
Max Occurs: 1
Min Occurs: 1
Structure: positional
Tag Identifier: 00
The next node would be the "Store" node. This is an abstract node, just to be able to capture a store header, a recurring order record and a store summary node.
It's properties:
Max Occurs: *
Min Occurs: 0 (depending what's possible on your flat file)
Structure: delimited
Child Delimiter Type: hexadecimal
Child delimiter: 0x0a 0x0d (newline character of your choice)
Child Order: Infix
The node below that would be the "StoreHeader" node.
Max Occurs: 1
Min Occurs: 0 (depending what's possible on your flat file)
Structure: positional (only you know the exact sequence of fields)
Tag Identifier: 30
Next to that, the "Order" node:
Max Occurs: *
Min Occurs: 0 (depending what's possible on your flat file)
Structure: positional (only you know the exact sequence of fields)
Tag Identifier: 40
Next to that, the "StoreSummary" node:
Max Occurs: 1
Min Occurs: 0 (depending what's possible on your flat file)
Structure: positional (only you know the exact sequence of fields)
Tag Identifier: 60
At last, at the same level as the "Header" and "Store" nodes, you would have the "Summary" node:
Max Occurs: 1
Min Occurs: 1
Structure: positional
Tag Identifier: 90