So I have this small code block that will perform several Tasks in parallel.
// no wrapping in Task, it is async
var activityList = await dataService.GetActivitiesAsync();
// Select a good enough tuple
var results = (from activity in activityList
select new {
Activity = activity,
AthleteTask = dataService.GetAthleteAsync(activity.AthleteID)
}).ToList(); // begin enumeration
// Wait for them to finish, ie relinquish control of the thread
await Task.WhenAll(results.Select(t => t.AthleteTask));
// Set the athletes
foreach(var pair in results)
pair.Activity.Athlete = pair.AthleteTask.Result;
So I'm downloading Athlete data for each given Activity. But it could be that we are requesting the same athlete several times. How can we ensure that the GetAthleteAsync method will only go online to fetch the actual data if it's not yet in our memory cache?
Currently I tried using a ConcurrentDictionary<int, Athelete>
inside the GetAthleteAsync method
private async Task<Athlete> GetAthleteAsync(int athleteID)
return cacheAthletes[atheleID];
** else fetch from web
You can change your ConcurrentDictionary
to cache the Task<Athlete>
instead of just the Athlete
. Remember, a Task<T>
is a promise - an operation that will eventually result in a T
. So, you can cache operations instead of results.
ConcurrentDictionary<int, Task<Athlete>> cacheAthletes;
Then, your logic will go like this: if the operation is already in the cache, return the cached task immediately (synchronously). If it's not, then start the download, add the download operation to the cache, and return the new download operation. Note that all the "download operation" logic is moved to another method:
private Task<Athlete> GetAthleteAsync(int athleteID)
return cacheAthletes.GetOrAdd(athleteID, id => LoadAthleteAsync(id));
private async Task<Athlete> LoadAthleteAsync(int athleteID)
// Load from web
This way, multiple parallel requests for the same athlete will get the same Task<Athlete>
, and each athlete is only downloaded once.