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how to install moztrap on windows 8.1?

I want to install moztrap locally on my pc. As a reference, I use


  • OS windows 8.1 x64 professional
  • Visual Studio 2013 x64 express
  • Python 3.4.1
  • Installation directory: c:\xampp\htdocs\moztrap

1- git clone --recursive git://

2- cd moztrap

3- mkvirtualenv moztrap

These three steps are OK. But I cannot get the 4 step onward working.

4- bin/install-reqs

I get the following:


'bin' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

install=-reqs can be found'>here.

So can anyone help me with this? (I need to mention I do not know python, or else this might be so easy!)


  • After trying multiple solutions, I got the followings steps to work (note that we are using this'>doc as reference):

    1- git clone --recursive git://

    You may you need to change the protocol from git to http if you are behind a firewall that does not allow git protocol. Also you need to git the submodules also with http in this case.

    2- cd moztrap
    3- mkvirtualenv moztrap

    These steps are OK.

    For step 4 there are some issues using the given default command 4- bin/install-reqs. There are few requirements mentioned in \requirements\compiled.txt that are C libraries and need compilation. I faced following issues:

    • It needs a Visual Studio 2008 for compilation
    • Even after installation of VS 2008, there are problems compling the packages all together.

    So I chose to first install the compiled packages one by one, and then install without complied dependenciesinstall-reqs pure. So before that:

    • Get the .exe file for MySQL-python from'>here
    • Use pip install py-bcrypt-w32 (also needs VS 2008 for compilation), installing pip install py-bcrypt did NOT work.

      4- python bin\install-reqs pure


    Create moztrap\settings\ and enter the database credentials (you can make a copy of then uncomment the database part). Then:

    5- echo "CREATE DATABASE moztrap CHARACTER SET utf8" | c:\xampp\bin\mysql
    6- python syncdb --migrate
    7- python create_default_roles
    8- python runserver

    And now you can visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser and that is it! You are done!

    Please remember that you need:

    • Visual Studio 2008, the later versions cause problems during insatallation
    • Use Python 2.7, Python 3 causes problems during insatallation