I have the following test in rspec
it "should add the item to the resque queue" do
post :run, id: report.id
resque_job = Resque.peek(:default_queue)
expect(resque_job).to be_present
puts "Job is #{resque_job}"
expect(ReportMapWorker).to have_queue_size_of(1)
expect(ReportMapWorker).to have_queued(report.id).in(:default_queue)
The puts statement prints out the following:
Job is [{"class"=>"ReportMapWorker", "args"=>["1537"]}]
It is failing on the final expectation. Any ideas or suggestions as to where I am going wrong?
The error is that the id is being added to the queue as a string, so when the expectation is expecting [1537] on the queue it should be expecting ["1537"]. Updating the code assertion to:
expect(ReportMapWorker).to have_queued(report.id.to_s).in(:default_queue)
works and the expectation passes.