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JMeter returns wsdl as a response

Im trying to do simple web service test using JMeter. I'm using SOAP/XML-RPC Request with simpliest configuration

URL = https://...address here..?wsdl
SOAP action and Use KeepAlive stay unchecked
XML request is loaded from file, correctly

What is more i have added View Result Tree to see results. Thats all.

Problem is i'm still getting whole wsdl file as a response (i have expected a normal soap response for my xml soap requst).

I have tested in SOAPui this request and url - everythink working fine. Do i need do add smth more? maybe this is problem with https protocol?

What is more i have tried WebService (SOAP) Request (DEPRECATED) however im getting exception becouse of using https while i want to use load WSDL.

Any ideas to solve my problem?

Here is a request from View Result Tree

 POST https://...address here..?wsdl

 POST data:
 Filename: D:\install\apache-jmeter-2.11\TEST\request.xml
 <actual file content, not shown here>

 [no cookies]

 Request Headers:
 Content-Type: text/xml
 Connection: close
 User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
 Host: hostname
 Content-Length: 1826

EDIT: i solved this problem by doing configuration like this:

ULR = https://..address here.. (NO WSDL)
SOAP action specified (url from wsdl)
KeepAlive checked
XML pasted in textbox section

However when i load xml from file - test fails with message couldnt parse stream. The same message pasted into textbox section - works perfectly. Whats wrong?


  • Configuration:

    • URL : scheme://..address here.. (NO WSDL)
    • SOAP action specified (url from wsdl)
    • KeepAlive checked
    • path to XML file pasted into right section

    File encoding:

    • XML was not loading as i expected because of encoding. I had set UTF-8 with BOM encoding while my service expected UTF-8 without BOM.