I have the following Model:
public class UserModel
public String Name {get; set; }
public String Surname {get; set; }
[Remote("ValidateIdNumber", "CustomValidation", "", ErrorMessage = "Invalid ID")]
public String IDNumber {get; set; }
I have a create user form that is the Admin area. So it's "/Admin/User/Create".
My "ValidateIdNumber" action is in the root in the controller "CustomValidation" So to access it you would need to go to "/CustomValidation/ValidateIdNumber"
public Boolean ValidateIdNumber(String IDNumber) {
//Validate ID number and return result.
The problem is that when the form gets created, the remote validation targets "/Admin/CustomValidation/ValidateIdNumber".
<input class="text-box single-line" data-val="true" data-val-remote="Invalid ID" data-val-remote-additionalfields="*.IDNumber" data-val-remote-url="/Admin/CustomValidation/ValidateIdNumber" data-val-required="Please provide a ID Number" id="IDNumber" name="IDNumber" type="text" value="">
How can I remove the Area? I've tried making the area parameter in the Remote attribute an empty string("") and null.
any ideas? I want to try and keep my validation in the root and not in areas.
You can write a custom remote attribute , see here: