I have covered multiple locations in Google map
using LatLng.Builder
and it's working.
Is there any way I could cover the whole path between two location in Google map
My Curent Code to include multiple locations
builder = new LatLngBounds.Builder();
googleMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(builder.build(), 17));
Any suggestion please?
The solution was simple
This might help someone in the future if looking for this sort of feature.
This method is called after the google direction API
returns the route from location A to B
. directionPoints
is the list
of Points in the route.
public void handleResult(ArrayList<LatLng> directionPoints)
PolylineOptions rectLine = new PolylineOptions().width(3).color(Color.RED);
for(int i = 0 ; i < directionPoints.size() ; i++)
//this polyline is stored so that it can be removed by calling drawnRoutePath.remove() if needed
drawnRoutePath = googleMap.addPolyline(rectLine);
googleMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(builder.build(), 17));
The json response from the Google Direction API
"routes" : [
"bounds" : {
"northeast" : {
"lat" : 27.7136953,
"lng" : 85.32216629999999
"southwest" : {
"lat" : 27.7103725,
"lng" : 85.3214952
.... etc
So I used this bound's lat
and lng
as parameter to LatLngBounds.Builder
JSONObject jsonBound = ((JSONObject)jRoutes.get(i)).getJSONObject("bounds");
JSONObject jsonSouthWest = jsonBound.getJSONObject("southwest");
JSONObject jsonNorthEast = jsonBound.getJSONObject("northeast");
LatLng boundSouthWest = new LatLng(jsonSouthWest.getDouble("lat"),jsonSouthWest.getDouble("lng"));
LatLng boundNorthEast = new LatLng(jsonNorthEast.getDouble("lat"),jsonNorthEast.getDouble("lng"));
ArrayList<LatLng> bounds = new ArrayList<LatLng>();
and included these points in LatLngBounds.Builder