Suppose I have an array which looks like this
{ { #a . #b . #c } .
{ #e . #f . #g } }.
Is there a quick way to turn this into
{ { #a . #e } . { #b . #f } . { #c . #g } }
the code should work for n-element subarrays too.
{ { #a . #b . #c . #d } .
{ #e . #f . #g . #h } }.
General purpose one liner, no assumptions about column or row count.
(1 to: rows first size) collect: [:column | rows collect: [:row | row at: column]]
Some Smalltalk's even implement:
^1 to: self size
In that case the first can be even nicer implemented as:
rows first keys collect: [:column | rows collect: [:row | row at: column]]