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Case-sensitive where statement in laravel

How can I do a case-sensitive string match with laravel?

SELECT * FROM `invites` WHERE `token`='OGwie2e2985tOEGewgu23hUFs'

Can be done as


If I want a case-sensitive match I need to use a statement like this (or similar, as far as I know):

SELECT * FROM `invites` WHERE BINARY `token`='OGwie2e2985tOEGewgu23hUFs'

My best guess would be:

Invite::whereRaw("BINARY `token`='{$token}'")->first()

but then my input is not going through a prepared statement, right?


  • You'll need to use DB::raw(), perhaps something like

    Invite::where(DB::raw('BINARY `token`'), $token)->first();