I have written an implementation of Toom multiplication with GMP. I tested multiplication of 2 numbers of around 7000 digits (23,000 bits) and it worked perfectly. However when I tried it with 70000 digits (230,000 bits) the program started producing wrong answers.
I am using a 32 bit system. Could GMP run out of memory to use? I did not get any error so I think this is unlikely. If this is not the case I suspect some loss of precision somewhere.
In general GMP allocates data on heap with "malloc and friends". If data cannot be allocated properly, then it invokes standard abort()
function (so process should be simply aborted), see memory.c
ret = malloc (size);
if (ret == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "GNU MP: Cannot allocate memory (size=%lu)\n", (long) size);
abort ();
It's rather impossible to tell what went wrong in your calculations, without taking much more details (see my comment).