I have an 1.9.3 that I am converting to jRuby. The main DB is MySql and I am having no problems using the activerecord jdbc adapter. The app also connects to a local SalesLogix DB running MS SQL and pulls data from it. For some reason, all of the tables are under the SYSDBA schema.
I can connect to the server without issue, however, whenever I attempt to query the one table it needs to query, I get the following error:
ActiveRecord::JDBCError: table: sysdba].[userinfo does not exist
If I do a find_by_sql
and pass in the select statement, connects and pull data base no problem.
Here is my connection info from database.yml:
adapter: jdbcmssql
driver: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
url: 'jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://saleslogix2:1433/DBNAME'
username: DBUSER
password: DBPASS
Here is the model declaration:
module SalesLogix
class UserInfo < ActiveRecord::Base
establish_connection :saleslogix
set_table_name "sysdba.userinfo"
set_primary_key :USERID
Turns out this was a bug. Submitted a pull request which will be merged into version 1.3: