I wonder if there is any function to redirect the output of t.test
to LaTeX
. Some thing like this
xtable(t.test(extra ~ group, data = sleep))
This does the trick.
T.Test <- t.test(extra ~ group, data = sleep)
t_out(toutput=T.Test, n.equal = TRUE, welch.df.exact = TRUE, welch.n = NA,
d.corr = TRUE, print = TRUE)
Test Results
1 Welch Two Sample t-test: t(17.78) = -1.86, p = .079, d = NA
% latex table generated in R 3.1.1 by xtable 1.7-3 package
% Mon Aug 25 21:01:13 2014
& Test & Results \\
1 & Welch Two Sample t-test: & t(17.78) = -1.86, p = .079, d = NA \\