I am writing a simple Android application (which is mainly for me to test whatever I may need to use in a real app) and I need to use a MediaPlayer to play a sound. In this case, I'm using kalimba.mp3
(no capital letters). But when I try to run the app, it instantly crashes because of a null object reference. The error is below, as is my code. The problem is, I don't see a problem with anything, and it gives me no errors while editing my code. How do I stop this from throwing an error? I've never used a MediaPlayer before. Thanks in advance!
// Player of "kalimba.mp3"
private MediaPlayer kalimbaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.kalimba);
// Play/stop the sound
public void playSound(View view) { kalimbaPlayer.start(); }
public void stopSound(View view) { kalimbaPlayer.stop(); kalimbaPlayer.release(); }
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.res.Resources android.content.Context.getResources()' on a null object reference
is presumably your Activity. At the time the fields are initialised, the Activity probably isn't fully ready.
Instead, initialise the MediaPlayer inside the onCreate() method of the Activity.