In Grails using GORM, I'd like to retrieve two possible values for a form dropdown. This particular instance is to only have two possible countries in a dropdown. I've set them in my Config.groovy
The GORM statement in this that I've done only returns USA and I'd like to return Canada also - so I have the findAll statement slightly incorrect. Can someone help me?
Country<g:select name="Country" from="${"100225","100038").sort{it.orderNumber}}" value="otherstuff" class="form-control" required="" aria-labelledby="country-label"/>
Domain class:
class country {
String name
String value
int orderNumber = 0
static constraints = {
name nullable:false, maxSize:50, blank:false
value nullable:false, maxSize:100, blank:false
String toString(){
"$name - $value"
static mapping = {
table 'country'
cache: 'read-write'
id column:'id'
name column:'name'
value column:'value'
orderNumber column:'order_number'
id generator: 'assigned'
you should rather use findAllByIdInList(["100225","100038"])
Also consider not writing such code within the view. Make it part of your model and prepare it in the controller.