I upgraded version 2 > 3 and it now appears to be icons in the sidebar the left of each file/folder (and to the right of corresponding arrow).
I find these icons cluttering, is there anyway to hide them?
One way to achieve this is through theming.
If you would like to edit your default theme to remove the folder/file icons, you must install PackageResourceViewer.
Then you can use Sublime's command palette to execute PackageResourceViewer:Open Resource
Click Theme - Default
followed by Default.sublime-theme
Find and edit the section of the theme which handles folder/file icons to match this sample:
"class": "icon_file_type",
"content_margin": [0,0]
"class": "icon_folder",
"content_margin": [0,0]
"class": "icon_folder_loading",
"content_margin": [0,0]