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Define variable as macro parameter

Is it possible to define a macro such that I can also define a variable which is a parameter? I want to write a shorthand enumeration for ranges in objective-c such that I have something like the following:

#define NSRangeEnumerate(i, range)    for(i = range.location; i < NSMaxRange(range); ++i)

However, when calling this macro, obviously, I get an error since i is not defined before calling the macro.

NSRangeEnumerate(i, range) {}

Throws and error because I need to do:

NSUInteger i;
NSRangeEnumerate(i, range) {}

What I would like to be able to do, like in a typical for statement is the following:

NSRangeEnumerate(NSUInteger i, range) {}

How might I go about this, because if I define i inside the macro, I realize it is defined two more times because of how the macro is written. I'd like it to be initialized once and then referenced the next two times. I hope my goal makes sense... Any help would be truly appreciated.


My current solution, although not preferred is:

#define NSRangeEnumerate(type, i, range)    for(type i = range.location; i < NSMaxRange(range); ++i)


  • #define NSRangeEnumerate(type, i, range)    for(type i = range.location; i < NSMaxRange(range); ++i)


    #define NSRangeEnumerate(i, range) for(NSUInteger i = range.location; i < NSMaxRange(range); ++i)