How do I set a favicon for the web/e-commerce frontend of Odoo 8?
Ideally without changing Odoo core files, i.e. I do not simply want to overwrite addons/web/static/src/img/favicon.ico
(This is Odoo 8, August 2014. It's likely that it will be easier to change the favicon in future versions.)
You have to override the web
module with your own module. You can add a line like
'data': [ 'views/website_templates.xml' ]
in your
Put your favicon at static/src/img/favicon.ico
and add a template to views/website_templates
<template id="MYSITE_layout" inherit_id="website.layout" name="MYSITE layout" priority="17">
<xpath expr="//head//link" position="after">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/MYSITE_web/static/src/img/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>