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Yodlee SOAP generating a java.lang.NullPointerException excetpion

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I'm trying to run the C# SOAP Sample App but getting the exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

I believe I'm using the wrong SOAP Endpoint.

From the Sample App, the endpoint for CobrandLogin is created via:

cobrandLoginService.Url = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("soapServer") + "/" + cobrandLoginService.GetType().FullName+"_" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("soapServerVersion");

The Dev Portal shows soapServer should be: Yodlee Dev Portal

This answer suggests all sorts of random URLs that don't match the format:

soapServer + service full name + _version

These don't match to the Sample App. See here:

The sample app also asks for tncVersion and soapServerVersion although it isn't obvious what these settings should be.

Suggestions? What is the correct URL cobrandLoginService and the other services?


  • This is a valuable feed back and we will have this documented in a better way. For now here is the answer to your question -

    soapServer -

    ServiceName - CobrandLoginService

    soapServerVersion - 2013Q3(this is the current version we are recommending)

    Hence the complete SOAP service EPR for cobrandLogin would look like -

    Similarly you can create all the other EPRs with the help of SOAP API reference guide and verifying them from listServices

    WSDLs for this version can be found here

    The sample app also asks for tncVersion 

    tncVersion should be passed as 2