I am trying to send an email using SAS from within Linux, In the body of the email I have a reference to a macro.
* store &a in macro for use in email;
proc sql noprint;
select tot_sendt into :a from tot;
* sending email;
filename m email subject="Report A is ready (%SYSFUNC(today(),ddmmyy10.))"
to = ('myemail@email.com');
data _null_;
file m;
put 'Report A ready;
put 'Totalt sent is:' &a; *a is a number stored in a macro;
However, this code throws the following error: test_pgm.log.140825.1227:ERROR: DATA STEP Component Object failure. Aborted during the COMPILATION phase. test_pgm.log.140825.1227:ERROR 557-185: Variable set is not an object.
I have also tried
put 'Totalt sent is &a'; a is a number stored in a macro
Which just writes &a in to email body.
Macro variables won't resolve inside of single quotes.
put "Totalt sent is &a" ;
should work.
Also note you are missing the closing single quote on your first PUT statement.