first, sorry for my bad english and second, I have a "little" problem. I tested a lot of codes from StackOverFlow but i continue with the same problem.
I'm trying to download some images from URL. I have an ExpandableListView and I use a class named Downloadusers to download all information about users. In this class I get the user's photo URL and I download the images with the following code:
private void downloadFile(String url) {
String filepath = null;
URL nurl = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) nurl.openConnection();
File SDCardRoot = getExternalFilesDir(null);
String filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
Log.i("Local filename:",""+filename+" SDCardRoot: "+SDCardRoot.toString());
File file = new File(SDCardRoot,filename);
FileOutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(file);
InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
int totalSize = urlConnection.getContentLength();
int downloadedSize = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[PHOTO_FILE_MAX_SIZE];
int bufferLength = 0;
while ( (bufferLength = > 0 )
fileOutput.write(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
downloadedSize += bufferLength;
Log.i("Progress:","downloadedSize:"+downloadedSize+"totalSize:"+ totalSize) ;
if(downloadedSize==totalSize) filepath=file.getPath();
catch (MalformedURLException e)
catch (IOException e)
Log.i("filepath:"," "+filepath);
I have also verified that the URLs are correct and I have loaded in the browser. With Log.i("filepath:"," "+filepath); I can see that filepath is correct, so I think that images are downloaded correctly but no, image files are corrupt files, so when I go to load the images into my ImageView I have a NullPointException because bMap readed is null due to corrupt images.
I have all permissions: Internet, Write and read external storage and phone state.
I tried too download images with AsyncTask, but I have the same problem.
Someone know what can be my problem? Thanks.
I solved my problem using library nostra13 "universal-image-loader-1.9.2.jar". My code is now:
// If the user photo exists and is public, download and show it.
if (Utils.connectionAvailable(activity)
&& (photoFileName != null) && !photoFileName.equals("")
&& !photoFileName.equals(Constants.NULL_VALUE)) {
// Create options. Setting caché = true (default = false)
DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
// Create global configuration and initialize ImageLoader
// with this configuration
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration
// Load image, decode it to Bitmap and display Bitmap in ImageView
// (or any other view
// which implements ImageAware interface)
ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(photoFileName, image);
With that code I can load the image on caché and show in my imageview without problems.
Thanks to all.