I have been working on a TwitchTV Python chat bot for a while now, but I'm still getting to grips with Python.
It may seem simple, but this has confused me so I decided I would ask:
I'm currently pulling messages from Twitch Chat using data = irc.recv
What I want to do is use the data pulled and turn it into a string, so that I can then check for capitals in the messages using str.isupper()
I've already tried a few ways;
data = irc.recv (4096)
msg = data()
capsTime = "30s"
str = msg
if str.isupper():
message("[-] Woah! Hold back on the caps! (Timeout " + capsTime + ")")
message("/timeout " + user + capsTime)
# variable "user" already defined
This is just one, that unfortunately didn't work.
This is my new code, It runs without error messages, but It doesn't function as I want it to;
while True:
data = irc.recv (4096)
user = data.split(':')[1]
user = user.split('!')[0]
caps = data.split(':')[0]
capsmsg = str(data)
print data
if data.find('PING') != -1:
irc.send('PONG ' + data.split()[1] + '\r\n')
if capsmsg.isupper():
message("[-] Woah! Hold back on the caps, " + user + "! (Timeout 30s)")
message("/timeout " + user + " 30s")
Expected output:
If a message is found in ALL caps, it will print this message and time the user out:
message("[-] Woah! Hold back on the caps, " + user + "! (Timeout 30s)")
Current output: The bot does not pick the message up or run the scripted code.
Try this:
data = irc.recv (4096)
# msg = data()
capsTime = "30s"
mystr = repr(data)
if mystr.isupper():
message("[-] Woah! Hold back on the caps! (Timeout " + capsTime + ")")
message("/timeout " + user + capsTime)
# variable "user" already defined
Don't use reserved keyword.