I have a generic class of type T and I would like to get the name of the type that passed into the class when instantiated. Here is an example.
class MyClass<T> {
func genericName() -> String {
// Return the name of T.
I have been looking around for hours and I can't seem to find any way to do this. Has anyone tried this yet?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
A pure swift way to achieve that is not possible.
A possible workaround is:
class MyClass<T: AnyObject> {
func genericName() -> String {
let fullName: String = NSStringFromClass(T.self)
let range = fullName.rangeOfString(".", options: .BackwardsSearch)
if let range = range {
return fullName.substringFromIndex(range.endIndex)
} else {
return fullName
The limitations relies on the fact that it works with classes only.
If this is the generic type:
class TestClass {}
returns the full name (including namespace):
// Prints something like "__lldb_expr_186.TestClass" in playground
That's why the func searches for the last occurrence of the .
Tested as follows:
var x = MyClass<TestClass>()
x.genericName() // Prints "TestClass"
UPDATE Swift 3.0
func genericName() -> String {
let fullName: String = NSStringFromClass(T.self)
let range = fullName.range(of: ".")
if let range = range {
return fullName.substring(from: range.upperBound)
return fullName