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Get characters before first space

I am looking for a grep way to obtain the characters in a string prior to the first space.

I have hacked the following function, as i could not figure out how to do it using the grep type commands in R.

Could someone help with the grep solution - if there is one ...

beforeSpace <- function(inWords) {
    vapply(inWords, function(L) strsplit(L, "[[:space:]]")[[1]][1], FUN.VALUE = 'character')
words <- c("the quick", "brown dogs were", "lazier than quick foxes")

R>          the quick         brown dogs were lazier than quick foxes 
              "the"                 "brown"                "lazier" 

And do let me know if there's a better way than grep (or my function, beforeSpace) to do this.


  • Or just sub, with credit to @flodel:

    sub(" .*", "", words)
    # and if the 'space' can also be a tab or other white-space:
    #[1] "the"    "brown"  "lazier"