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How to disable scaladoc generation in dist task in Play 2.2.x (using build.sbt)?

Using java-play 2.2.1 and sbt 0.13.0, I have the same problem stated in How to disable ScalaDoc generation in dist task in Play 2.2.x (using project/build.scala)?, except that I use the (supposedly) standard build.sbt instead of Build.scala.

Is there a way of doing this with build.sbt? Or should I move to Build.scala?


  • tl;dr What's inside .settings method calls should go straight to build.sbt.

    As build.sbt defines a Seq[Setting[_]], i.e. it’s a list of Scala expressions, separated by blank lines, where each one becomes one element in the sequence. it's similar to full build definitions in project/*.scala files using .settings call.

    You should add the following to a build.sbt:

    publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) := false
    publishArtifact in packageDoc := false
    sources in (Compile,doc) := Seq.empty