Just a quick foreword: I'm an artist, and only have a small amount of programming understanding, and I just started learning windows batch files a couple hours ago.
So, at my school, when we render our files in Maya, we have to do it on a local drive, and we use several computers to speed up this process. This creates hundreds of images across multiple computers. My plan was to create a batch file that copies the images (as they are finished) over the network to a single drive so managing my rendered images is easier.
I'm using a for loop to go through file names (in this case, BallTest_xxxx.exr), and I can print out the name just fine; but, when I try setting the filename to a variable in the loop, it ends up printing out nothing.
Where I have "echo.%asdf%, I want that to be where it reads the file, and from there, checks to see if the render is finished (I have a couple of ideas for the latter, but for now, I'd just like some insight on what I'd need to do to make the first part work.) I can see in the results, that when I try to set asdf as the filename, it gives me BallTest_000%x.exr, which I know isn't right.
set "filename=BallTest_"
set "extension=.exr"
for /l %%x in (1, 1, 3) do (
if %%x lss 10 (
set asdf=%filename%000%%x%extension%
Thanks in advance,
may be this is what you are looking for:
@echo off
set "filename=BallTest_"
set "extension=.exr"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /l %%x in (1, 1, 3) do (
if %%x lss 10 (
set asdf=%filename%000%%x%extension%
Delayed expansion is a confusing thing for newbies in batch files. More info you can find here and here