I'm newbie on grails and I'm trying to write a simple blog application with it. I have some resources and i'm trying to implement a create resource logic. Here is what i have done;
URL mapping for tags;
"/tags"(resources: 'tags')
class TagsController {
def index() {
[tags: Tag.list()]
def create() { }
def save() {
def tag = new Tag(params.tag)
if(tag.save()) {
flash.message = "Tag Created Successfully"
redirect(action: "index")
else {
flash.error = "Something went wrong, please check the form again!"
render(view: "create")
def show() {
render "this is the show action"
With this configurations redirect(action: "index") redirects to tags/index path. But this path is not for index action it is for show action.
What am I doing wrong?
I've tried URL mapping like this;
"/tags"(resources: 'tag')
In this case tags/ and tags/index paths triggers to index action but tags/6 (6 is an id for existing tag on the database) does not triggers show action.
"/tags"(resources: 'tags')
is correct.
If you want to redirect from save
to show
you have to provide the id
required by show
. See mapping how grails maps the urls to actions.
To provide the id
you can write
redirect(action: "index", id: tag.id)
redirect(action: "show", id: tag.id)
To redirect to index
you have to explicitly set the method:
redirect(action: "index", method:"GET")