I have a webpage where users selects variables to filter and get database values. I tried passing the $match condition variables as below but i am not getting any results back
URL is : example.com?gender=M&date_from=20100101&date_to=201140101
I loop through the req.query to build the match condition string.
var matchQuery = [];
for (var param in req.query) {
qString = "{'" + param + "' : '" + req.query[param] + "'}";
var strmatchQuery = matchQuery.toString();
This outputs strmatchQuery as {'gender' : 'M'}, {'date_from' : '20100101'}, {'date_to' : '20140101'}
and then I call the mongodb aggregate function
dbmodel.aggregate( { $match: { $and: [ strmatchQuery ]} } , { $group : { _id : "$orderyear", totalorders : { $sum : 1 } } } )
But I dont get any results back. Any ideas?
function is_numeric(num) {
return !isNaN(num);
var matchQuery = [];
var qString = {};
for (var param in req.query) {
// You need objects in your query not strings so push objects
qString = {};
qString[param] = is_numeric(req.query[param]) ? Number(req.query[param]) : req.query[param];
// Removed the toString() function call
{$match: {$and: strmatchQuery}}, // Removed the array [ ]
{$group: {
_id: "$orderyear",
totalorders: {$sum: 1}}