I know PyQt4 has GPL licence. But I'm confused:
How can I sell my app built with cx_freeze?
Can I do it legally? what should I do otherwise?
Do compiled py files also mean source code?
I don't want to change my code for PySide, which has LGPL. I want to sell PyQt4 built with cx_freeze if it is legal.
IANAL but here is a quick summary.
Yes, you can sell it even though it is GPL.
However, since PyQt4 is GPL, then your entire application is also GPL which means anyone who receives a copy (e.g., purchases it) is legally allowed to redistribute it for free or for money and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.
Unless you purchase a commercial license for PyQt4 in which case you can maintain your proprietary license so long as you also follow the licensing restrictions/rules of any third-party libraries that you also use.