I have a 2-dimensional array that represents a mask of a 3-dimensional array, and can be broadcast as such. e.g.:
>>> mask.shape
(101, 100)
>>> cube.shape
(500, 101, 100)
What is the best way to create a broadcastable object like mask
(which is an array) that can be indexed with the same views as cube, returning the same mask? i.e.:
>>> cube[100,:,:]
<some image>
>>> mask[100,:,:]
so mask[n,:,:]
would return mask
for any n
, or better yet any n
that could be used to index cube
Importantly, I want to do this without making mask
larger in memory (e.g., by doing bigger_mask = np.ones([500,1,1])*self._mask[None,:,:]
Something like this?
>>> from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
>>> mask = np.random.randint(2, size=(101, 100)).astype(bool)
>>> mask_view = as_strided(mask, shape=(500,)+mask.shape,
... strides=(0,)+mask.strides)
>>> mask_view.shape
(500, 101, 100)
>>> np.array_equal(mask_view[0], mask_view[499])
>>> np.all(mask_view == 0)
>>> mask[:] = 0
>>> np.all(mask_view == 0)