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Am I using the synchronized block correctly?

I have a SwingWorker which makes calls to the twitter API and gets some results back, everytime a result is received I first update the member variable _latestValidResult, then I take a list of tweets from the result and add it to my list and then I publish that list's size. Then in publish I need to use _latestValidResult in order to access some API timer limits so I can update my GUI.

I have a synchronized block in the doInBackground() where I update _latestValidResult and in process() where I use _latestValidResult to acquire the timer limits.

I am asking if I am using the synchronized block correctly because I am getting a warning from my IDE that I am synchronizing on a non-final variable.

This is the barebone code with some pseudo-code so it won't give you a headache:

public class ProduceStatusWorker extends SwingWorker<Void, Integer> {

    private QueryResult _latestValidResult;

    protected Void doInBackground() {
        QueryResult result = null;
        Set<Status> allStatuses = new HashSet<>();
        do {
            try {
                if (isCancelled()) {
                    return null;

                result = making_api_call_here;

                // If the call succeeded (no exception) then copy the result to the _latestValidResult
                synchronized (_latestValidResult) {
                    _latestValidResult = result;



            } catch (TwitterException te) {
                // Handle exceptions here

        } while (more_statuses_can_be_retrieved);

        return null;

    protected void process(List<Integer> chunks) {
        final int apiCallsTotal;
        final int apiCallsLeft;

        // Get the variables I need from _latestValidResult
        synchronized (_latestValidResult) {
            apiCallsTotal = _latestValidResult.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit();
            apiCallsLeft = _latestValidResult.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining();

        // Update GUI according to the variables
        jAPICallsLeftLabel.setText(Integer.toString(apiCallsLeft) + "/" + Integer.toString(apiCallsTotal));

        // Update GUI according to the publish
        jTweetsInMemory.setText(Integer.toString(chunks.get(chunks.size() - 1)));

Here is the whole code of the ProduceStatusWorker class:

public class ProduceStatusWorker extends SwingWorker<Void, Integer> {

    private final Query _query;

    private QueryResult _latestValidResult;

    private static final int QUERY_MAX_COUNT = 100;

    public ProduceStatusWorker(Query query) {
        _query = query;

    protected Void doInBackground() {
        QueryResult result = null;
        Set<Status> allStatuses = new HashSet<>();
        long lastID = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        do {
            try {
                while (timerIsRunning(_countdown) && !isCancelled()) {
                    try {
                        synchronized (this) {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

                if (isCancelled()) {
                    return null;

                result =;

                synchronized (_latestValidResult) {
                    _latestValidResult = result;


                for (Status status : result.getTweets()) {
                    if (status.getId() < lastID) {
                        lastID = status.getId();
                _query.setMaxId(lastID - 1);

            } catch (TwitterException te) {
                if (te.getErrorCode() == 88) {
                    if (!timerIsRunning(_countdown)) {
                        _countdown = new Timer(1000, new ActionListener() {
                            private int _count = _latestValidResult != null
                                    ? _latestValidResult.getRateLimitStatus().getSecondsUntilReset() : 10;

                            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                                if (_count == 0) {
                                    synchronized (ProduceStatusWorker.this) {
                                    jTimeLeftLabel.setText(DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(_count-- * 1000, "mm:ss"));
                                    ((Timer) e.getSource()).stop();
                                } else {
                                    jTimeLeftLabel.setText(DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(_count-- * 1000, "mm:ss"));

                } else {

        } while ((_countdown != null && _countdown.isRunning()) || result.getTweets().size() > 0);

        return null;

    protected void process(List<Integer> chunks) {
        final int apiCallsTotal;
        final int apiCallsLeft;

        synchronized (_latestValidResult) {
            apiCallsTotal = _latestValidResult.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit();
            apiCallsLeft = _latestValidResult.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining();

        jAPICallsLeftLabel.setText(Integer.toString(apiCallsLeft) + "/" + Integer.toString(apiCallsTotal));
        jTweetsInMemory.setText(Integer.toString(chunks.get(chunks.size() - 1)));

    protected void done() {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Done!");


  • I am asking if I am using the synchronized block correctly

    Simple answer: no

    synchronized (_latestValidResult) {

    This will not get a lock on the member, but on the object referenced by this member. (Actually, it will probably throw a NullPointerException the first time)

    Step by step

    Assuming the current object in _latestValidResult is FirstResult

    1. In the doInBackground():

      synchronized (_latestValidResult) {
          _latestValidResult = result; //we're setting SecondResult
          //still in synchronized block
    2. At this exact time, while we are in the synchronized block, another thread runs the process() function:

      synchronized (_latestValidResult) {

      This get a lock on SecondResult, threads run simultaneously. I don't think that's what you were expecting by using the synchronized keyword

    Use a lock

    Use a specific final object as a lock:

    private QueryResult _latestValidResult;
    private final Object _latestValidResultLock = new Object();
        synchronized (_latestValidResultLock ) {
            _latestValidResult = result;

    Maybe you don't even need to synchronize

    I haven't go deeply in your code to see if it would work, but maybe you can do something like this:

    private volatile QueryResult _latestValidResult;
        _latestValidResult = result;
        QueryResult latestValidResult = _latestValidResult;
        apiCallsTotal = latestValidResult.getRateLimitStatus().getLimit();
        apiCallsLeft = latestValidResult.getRateLimitStatus().getRemaining();