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When to disconnect bosh connection establish from app server to use prebinding in strophe?

This question is Extension of my previous question on this SO question "How to connect XMPP bosh server using java smack library?"

I am using Java as server side language. I have successfully implement xmpp BOSH connection using smach-jbosh thanks to @Deuteu for helping me to achieve this, so far I have modify jbosh's file and added two getter method for extracting RID and SID.

Now I have RID and SID on my app server (I am using Apache Tomcat). I need to pass this credential to Strophe (web client) so that it can attach to connection.

Here I have some doubt.

  1. When to disconnect bosh Connection establish from the app server? before passing sid, rid and jid to strophe or after passing sid, rid and jid to strophe?
    As per my observation during implementation for the same, I have observed that once bosh connection from the app server has been disconnected, session is expired and SID and RID is no longer useful!!!
  2. I have implemented this logic (Establishing bosh connection and Extracting sid and rid) on a Servlet, here once response has been send from Servlet, Thread will get expired and end BOSH connection will get terminated, so I am not able perform `Attach()` on strophe as session is expired.

Can somebody help me with that problem?


  • After you have created a BOSH session with smack and have extracted the SID+RID values, you need to pass them to Strophe's attach() and from here on out you need to let strophe deal with this connection. Once Strophe has attached, you do not want your server to be doing anything to the connection at all.

    If your server side code sends any messages at all to the connection manager after strophe has attached, it's likely that it will send a invalid RID which will cause your session to terminate.

    Again, once the session has been established and is usable by strophe, do not attempt to continue using it from the server side. After your server side bosh client completes authentication and you've passed the SID+RID to the page, just destroy the server side connection object, don't attempt to disconnect or anything as this will end your session.

    The thing you need to remember is, unlike traditional XMPP connections over TCP, BOSH clients do NOT maintain a persistent connection to the server (this is why we use BOSH in web applications). So there is nothing to disconnect. The persistent connection is actually between the XMPP server and the BOSH connection manager, it's not something you need to deal with. So when you call disconnect from your server side BOSH client, you're telling the connection manager to end the session and close it's connection to the XMPP server, which completely defeats the purpose of creating the session in the first place.