I am using django 1.6 admin-panel with django-suit, and I am trying to make a tabular inline that will auto-complete me with a name of a model instance.
For this I use django-ajax-selects.
Now, if I define, let's say, extra = 3
, then I will have 3 tabular lines bound with ajax.
And every other line I add with the 'Add another line' button won't auto-complete me (the widget is shown. Its just that the ajax is not bound to the field).
Is there a django-ajax-select option that will bind the new fields in the inline? I saw in the documentation that one of its features was 'Admin inlines', but no materialistic example of how to do it.
If django-ajax-selects does not offer a built-in way to achieve it, how can it be done with jQuery/ Javascript overriding?
Here's my inlines.py
class AlternativeInline(AjaxSelectAdminTabularInline):
model = Alternative
form = make_ajax_form(Alternative, {'item_compared_to': 'item'})
fk_name = 'item_compared_with'
suit_classes = 'suit-tab suit-tab-alternatives'
verbose_name = 'Alternative'
verbose_name_plural = 'Alternatives'
extra = 1
If any other snippets from my code are required, just say so :)
Well, solved this problem all by myself.
Documented it in django-ajax-selects GitHub.
Link's here.