I have an user control, with name Test1 for example, in the directory:
Even when I delete it in that directory, the user control still works in the webpanel on the browser. Why this happens? How can I make sure the user control is deleted?
And how can I make sure the user control is updated? Because even when I change the version, do the install command, restart the browser and make sure the browser is refreshed properly (or test it in another browser), sometimes I don't get the lasted changes that I have made in the javascript code.
Must increase the version number <Version>X.X</Version>
located in YourUserControl.control. This is how GeneXus knows if the UC was updated.
Close GeneXus.
After updating any file within a usercontrol, you have to copy those files to your GeneXus Installation Folder/UserControls.
Run Genexus.exe /install
Run GeneXus
Build All (GeneXus will detect version change in your UC and automatically copy UC files)