I'm developing a custom keyboard for iOS 8, and I would like to check if input text is empty or not, in order to enable or disable return key button, if it's needed (self.textDocumentProxy.enablesReturnKeyAutomatically == YES
This is what I've done so far:
- (void)textDidChange:(id<UITextInput>)textInput
NSString *inputText = [self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput stringByAppendingString:self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextAfterInput];
if (self.textDocumentProxy.enablesReturnKeyAutomatically)
self.returnButton.enabled = !(inputText.length == 0);
self.returnButton.enabled = YES;
But if "Auto-Enable Return Key" is ON, return button is always disabled, even if input text is not empty. What is the right way to check if input text is empty or not? Thanks.
Try this, again tested
Disable your return key in below function which perform your deleteBackward operation
- (IBAction)returnBackSpacePressed
[self.textDocumentProxy deleteBackward];
if(self.textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput.length-1 == 0)
[self.textDocumentProxy insertText:@"Now disable your return key"];
// Here your inputTest is now empty
End enable your return key when ever your insertTest
- (void)putChar:(NSString *)charactor
[self.textDocumentProxy insertText:charactor];
// enable your return key here again, because now your inputText is not empty