After making some changes in my project under Xcode 6, I can't open storyboard
file (and build project) from Xcode 5.
Since there is no way to Distribute apps to AppStore from Xcode 6, while it under beta - I have to build application under Xcode 5.
Is any way to make storyboard backward compatibile with Xcode 5? I found in the header of storyboard file this string:
<capability name="Constraints with attributes relative to the layout margin" minToolsVersion="6.0"/>
I suppose, that it's need to delete or edit some new keys, that new Xcode 6 uses, but can't detect which one.
(Revert commit is VERY unlikely, because there is a LOT of changes.)
There is another problem, that appears in Xcode 6 - it adds baseline constraints, that not available in iOS 7, and it cause crashes on it. (Xcode even not always highlight this warnings!) - to fix it refer to my answer, how to remove baseline
Hooray! I fix it! Hope It will be useful for others:
I use regex to find all dummy strings (regex version that support Sublime 2)
<capability name="Constraints with attributes relative to the layout margin" minToolsVersion="6.0"/>
from beggining of file..*"baseline".*\n
UPD: I found that "baseline" constraints causes crashes also, but Xcode doesn't show any warnings about these constrains!
To fix it - remove from storyboard file all strings by pattern: .*"baseline".*\n