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How to setup a Zend_Form_Element_Select with multiple params at OPTION tags

I am creating a Zend Form to allow the user to change the current Locale from a list saved in my DB. I would like to know how to add more attribs to the option list.

$obj_locales_select = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('sel_locale');
$obj_locales_select->setAttrib('tabindex', '100');

The $this->_arr_locales is just an associative array with key - values. But I want, in example, to add a title attrib to each option generated, so when the user's mouse is over an option, the browser displays a tip with additional info about that option, or some other standard attribs (according to the w3schools OPTION tag).

Thanks for help.


  • ZF does not support title attribute for Zend_Form_Element_Select options. You should write custom view helper to do that.