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How to identify missing ConfigurationElement?

Using System.Configuration, how can I identify if a child configuration element is completely missing, or merely empty?

Test program

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MissingConfigElementTest
    class MyConfigurationElement : ConfigurationElement
        public string Name
            get { return (string)base["name"]; }

    class MyConfigurationSection : ConfigurationSection
        [ConfigurationProperty("empty", DefaultValue = null)]
        public MyConfigurationElement Empty
            get { return (MyConfigurationElement)base["empty"]; }

        [ConfigurationProperty("missing", DefaultValue = null)]
        public MyConfigurationElement Missing
            get { return (MyConfigurationElement)base["missing"]; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var configSection = (MyConfigurationSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("mySection");

            Console.WriteLine("Empty.Name: " + (configSection.Empty.Name ?? "<NULL>"));
            Console.WriteLine("Missing.Name: " + (configSection.Missing.Name ?? "<NULL>"));


Test Configuration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="mySection" type="MissingConfigElementTest.MyConfigurationSection, MissingConfigElementTest"/>
    <empty />


The output is


The Problem

I can't find a way to differentiate between the empty, but present configuration element and the case where the entire configuration element has been left out.

I want to have this because if an element is present, I want to make sure that it passes certain validation logic, but it is also fine to just leave the element out entirely.


  • You can search for the section:

    var sections = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None).Sections;
    var exists = sections.Cast<ConfigurationSection>()
                    .Any(x => x.SectionInformation.Type.StartsWith("MissingConfigElementTest.MyConfigurationSection"));