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NaN-Error at d3js error bars

Here is the important part of my code. For some reasons, there is a problem with the "errorBars2". It always returns this error:

Invalid value for <path> attribute d="M40.5,NaNL40.5,NaNZ"

I spent now hours on searching for the mistake but I can't find it! Could somebody explain me what's the problem with the "errorBars2"?


  • In errorBarArea2 you have written for

    .y0(function (d) {
            return y0(+d.top_after + +d.moe3);

    but in the JSON structure it is not available change it to +d.moe3_after

    and you have written

    .y1(function (d) {
    return y0(+d.low_after - +d.moe4);

    but in the JSON structure it is not available change it to +d.moe4_after

    So the final code is

    var errorBarArea2 = d3.svg.area()
        .x(function (d) {
            return x3( +x3.rangeBand()/2;
        .y0(function (d) {
            return y0(+d.top_after + +d.moe3_after);
        .y1(function (d) {
            return y0(+d.low_after - +d.moe4_after);