There is a slight error when exporting an svg
file to pdf
: the right margin of the plot is cropped too much (see the missing vertical line for completing the box area of the plot - this is how the pdf looks like):
Here is the svg
file (the box area is complete - the right margin line exists):
I'm exporting with this command:
inkscape filename.svg --export-area-drawing --export-pdf=filename.pdf
I also did a test and manually exported the file from the GUI but it gave the same result. Is there a way to fix it? Like adding some padding? Can it be done from the command line?
Posting/linking the svg file could help. Tried to download the complete image, transform it as vector and export it as pdf, worked fine.
wich version of Inkscape are you using ? It is up to date ? ( mine, that is working is version 0.48.4 r9939 on Ubuntu ).
A solution I use when facing export problems is create a empty rectangle around my draw, set it to no border and no fill, and then apply "File" > "Document Properties" > "Resize page to content" > "Resize page to drawing or selection" with no object selected. Re-export.
Try to make a "Vacuums Defs" to clean the svg file before export.
Good luck to you!
EDIT : command line equivalent to this manipulation can be achieved by adding "--export-area-drawing --vacuum-defs" as command line parameters.