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Altering the case of paper-input element

I have the following paper-input element

      <paper-input floatinglabel required

      <paper-icon-button floatinglabel required

The default font of the label for elemeent is uppercase as determined by paper-element core, and black (usually).

How can I change the case to lower, or sentence case etc and alter the colour.



  • You can set the color of the label with

      paper-input /deep/ #label, paper-input /deep/ div#floatedLabel.focused {
        color: green;

    The first part is for the label when the input doesn't have the focus.
    The second is for the floating label.

    If you add this style outside of a polymer-element (on the entry page or a css file linked by the entry page) don't forget to add the selectors for browser that don't support shadow DOM

      paper-input /deep/ #label, paper-input /deep/ div#floatedLabel.focused,
      paper-input #label, paper-input div#floatedLabel.focused {
        color: green;

    To reset the all-caps font to normal font for paper-icon-button use

      paper-icon-button {
        text-transform: none;