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Sharing nunjucks filters across node and browser

I am trying to find a way to get my filter works on both side.

Here is the code I have on node :

var env = nunjucks.configure(__dirname + '/../templates', {
    express: app

env.addFilter('date', function(str){
    return 'ok';

And on browser side :

var env = new nunjucks.Environment();
env.addFilter('date', function(str){
    return 'ok';

I would like to have my filter in a place where it will be available in these two different environments but I don't find a solution to do so.

On client side I am using nunjucks-slim version. My templates are precompiled using gulp.

Thanks for your help !


  • You could put your filters in a separate file/module, where you pass env in as an argument.


    * @param env The nunjucks environment
        env.addFilter('fancy', function(input){
            return 'fancy ' + input
        return env;

    You could then use a UMD wrapper ( to make it compatible with both browser and server. The finished wrapper might look something like this:

    // custom_filters.js
    (function (root, factory) {
        if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
            // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
            define([], factory);
        } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
            // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
            // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
            // like Node.
            module.exports = factory();
        } else {
            // Browser globals (root is window)
            root.custom_filters = factory();
    }(this, function () {
        // Return a value to define the module export.
        return function(env){
            env.addFilter('fancy', function(input){
                return 'fancy ' + input
            return env;

    Then use it like this:


    var env = nunjucks.configure(__dirname + '/../templates', {
        express: app

    Browser (Globals):

    var env = new nunjucks.Environment();

    Browser (AMD):

        ['nunjucks', 'path/to/custom_filters'],
        function(nunjucks, custom_filters){
            var env = new nunjucks.Environment();
            return custom_filters(env);