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jenkins running powershell script that opens a webpage

I have a jenkins job that should run a power shell script which opens a webpage, clicks on a button that downloads excel sheet.

This is my PS script.

    Function get-ExcelReport {  
    $ie=new-object -com internetexplorer.application 
    while($ie.ReadyState -ne 4) {start-sleep -m 100}  
    $Link=$ie.Document.getElementByID("saveExcel") | where-object {$_.type -eq "button"}
    $global:XLSDoc = Get-ChildItem $myDocPath 
         | Where-Object {$ -like        "resyncreport*"} | foreach-object -process       {         $_.FullName } 
    "XLSDOC $global:XLSDoc"

when i run this from powershell console it works, but when i run it as a jenkins job it is not working.

any ideas ?

thanks in advance.


  • Jenkins when running as Windows service runs up against some issues while launching the GUI based applications. That was tripping me when I was trying to launch a WPF application via script. Try to run Jenkins via command line. If it is the same issue then it should work.