I have two HTML tables. Each has three rows and one column only. I'd like to join them programmatically such that I get one table with two columns and three rows.
Is there some function or hack to achieve this? How can I achieve this?
For example First Table:
<table id="table_one">
<label>data one</label>
<label>data two</label>
<label>data three</label>
Second Table:
<table id="table_two">
<label>data one</label>
<label>data two</label>
<label>data three</label>
This is what I want from the above two tables:
<table id="table_three">
<label>data one</label>
<label>data one</label>
<label>data two</label>
<label>data two</label>
<label>data three</label>
<label>data three</label>
Well, this is a way to proceed (check in-code comments):
$table1 = <<<'_DATA_'
<table id="table_one">
<label>data one</label>
<label>data two</label>
<label>data three</label>
$table2 = <<<'_DATA_'
<table id="table_two">
<label>data one</label>
<label>data two</label>
<label>data three</label>
// Load teh 1st table
// Create a DOM object
$html1 = new simple_html_dom();
// Load HTML from a string
// Load teh 2nd table
// Create a DOM object
$html2 = new simple_html_dom();
// Load HTML from a string
// Find all rows from both tables
$rows1 = $html1->find('tr');
$rows2 = $html2->find('tr');
// Build teh 3rd table
$table3 = '<table id="table_three">
// Insert rows cells from both initial tables
for ($i=0; $i < count($rows1); $i++) {
$table3 .= '<tr>';
// get row's innerhtml
$table3 .= $rows1[$i]->innertext;
$table3 .= $rows2[$i]->innertext;
$table3 .= '</tr>';
// finish the table
$table3 .= '</tbody>
// Clear DOM objects
It creates this: