Hello everyone! I recently started programming in R. My codes are working just fine, but in terms of speed some of them are taking way too long to put to good use. I hope someone can help me making this code run faster either by optimising the code, or with the use of one of the multicore packages.
I have large datasets containing about 15000 numeric data each. The code takes two parameters (p, n) where p >= n, and make subsets of the data. It applies the zyp.yuepilon function (from the zyp package) to each row of the subsets. Then the parameter n is used to apply the same function on an n sized subset.
Problem is I run this code in a nested for loop: p in 10:40 and n in 10:40 so it takes an eternity to get the results, and it's just one dataset among many others.
sp <- function(p, n){
data <- runif(15000, 1, 4)
lower <- seq(80 - p + 1, by=1, length.out=length(data)-81)
upper <- lower + p - 1
subsets <- matrix(nrow=length(lower), ncol=p)
for(j in 1:length(lower)){
subsets[j, ] = data[lower[j] : upper[j]]
ret <- apply(subsets, 1, zyp.yuepilon)
subset_n <- subsets[, 1:n]
ret2 <- apply(subset_n, 1, zyp.yuepilon)
return(list(ret, ret2))
Benchmark results in seconds:
expr min lq median uq max neval
sp(7, 6) 92.77266 94.24901 94.53346 95.10363 95.64914 10
Here is a series of comments, rather than an answer.
Looking at the zyp.yuepilon
function body, by calling the function without parenthesis in a R session, you see that this function, and the function zyp.sen
are written in plain R code (as opposed to compiled code).
The biggest speed-up is likely attained by using the Rcpp
package which facilitates calling (compiled) C++ code within R. In fact, there is a small linear model example here Fast LM model using Rcpp/RcppArmadillo.
I would be inclined to rewrite the two functions zyp.yuepilon
and zyp.sen
in C++, using Rcpp
, including the loop over subset vectors (for which you are currently using apply
to do).
For general R speed-up issues see this question R loop performance, as well as the R package plyr
, which may provide an entry point for taking a map-reduce type of approach to your problem.
If you want to steer clear of C++, then a series of micro-optimisations would be your quickest win. To speed up the apply
aspect of your code, you could use something like this
sp_1<-function(p=7, n=6){
ret=matrix(unlist( foreach(i=1:N_ob_o) %dopar% zyp::zyp.yuepilon(subsets[i,]),use.names=FALSE),ncol=11, byrow=TRUE);
subset_n <- subsets[, 1:n]
ret2=matrix(unlist( foreach(i=1:N_ob_o) %dopar% zyp::zyp.yuepilon(subset_n[i,]),use.names=FALSE),nrow=11);
return(list(ret, ret2))
sp<-function(p=7, n=6){
data <- runif(15000, 1, 4)
lower <- seq(80 - p + 1, by=1, length.out=length(data)-81)
upper <- lower + p - 1
subsets <- matrix(nrow=length(lower), ncol=p)
for(j in 1:length(lower)){
subsets[j, ] = data[lower[j] : upper[j]]
ret <- apply(subsets, 1, zyp.yuepilon)
subset_n <- subsets[, 1:n]
ret2 <- apply(subset_n, 1, zyp.yuepilon)
return(list(ret, ret2))
This gives me a speed-up of around a factor of 2. But this will depend on your platform, etc. Check out the help files for the functions and packages above, and tune the number of clusters using makeCluster
to see what works best for your platform (in the absence of any information about your particular set-up).
Another route might be to make use of the byte-code compiler via library(compiler)
to see if the various functions can be optimised, this way.