I am trying to search for a value (xxxx01) of an attribute and return the node (0x100540) . Here is my xml:
<model-response-list error="EndOfResults" throttle="86" total-models="86" xmlns="http://www.ca.com/spectrum/restful/schema/response">
<model mh="0x100540">
<attribute id="0x1006e">xxxx01</attribute>
<model mh="0x100c80">
<attribute id="0x1006e">xxx02</attribute>
I have the xml in an var in the code below:
#Get restful req
$client->GET('/spectrum/restful/devices?attr=0x1006e', $headers) || die "$!";
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $xmldoc = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $client->responseContent() )|| die "$!";
I have tried every xpath search i could find some documentation ( maybe i just cannot get my head around it) on but cannot come up with a solution.
Thanks for any help.
This seems to work.
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.010;
use XML::LibXML;
my $xml = '<model-response-list error="EndOfResults" throttle="86" total-models="86" xmlns="http://www.ca.com/spectrum/restful/schema/response">
<model mh="0x100540">
<attribute id="0x1006e">xxxx01</attribute>
<model mh="0x100c80">
<attribute id="0x1006e">xxx02</attribute>
my $xmldoc = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $xml );
my @nodes = $xmldoc->findnodes(q(//*[text()='xxxx01']/../@mh));
foreach (@nodes) {
say $_->value;
My XPath is a bit rusty. There might be a better solution.