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Reading gibberish filename (FTP/FSO)

Looking at my server, i see filenames, that theur characters have been messed up. Example: ôøùú-ô÷åãé-1.mp3

should should be Hebrew letters.

While the files can be read in a browser and FTP, they cannot be read always - for example, in an online audio player, or VBScript FSO (File system object)

is there something that can be done to change the charset or something, so that i can read and then rename these files?



  • solved, using this link:

                function convertChar(letter)
                    lat = array("à","á","â","ã","ä","å","æ","ç","è","é","ê","ë","ì","í","î","ï","ð","ñ","ò","ó","ô","õ","ö","÷","ø","ù","ú", " " )
                    heb = array("א","ב","ג","ד","ה","ו","ז","ח","ט","י","ך","כ","ל","ם","מ","ן","נ","ס","ע","ף","פ","ץ","צ","ק","ר","ש","ת", " ")
                    inarray = false 
                    for ii = 0 to ubound(heb)
                        if letter = heb(ii) then
                            convertChar = lat(ii)
                            inarray = true 
                            exit for 
                        end if 
                    if inarray = false then convertChar = letter 
                end function