I have this controller where to fetch data from the server I have to fire fetchPosts
method and to add new post fire add
App.PostsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
actions: {
fetchPosts: function (id) {
var data = App.Post.find({category: id});
this.set('model', data);
add: function () {
var post = this.get('newPost');
post.save().then(function () {
The problem is that the record are adding to the bottom of the list. I want it to work like native js unshift
but now it works like push
. Looking for something like unshiftObject
to make added object the first object in the array.
works in Ember http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.MutableArray.html#method_unshiftObject.
Your code has an out of scope issue here:
var post = this.get('newPost');
post.save().then(function () {
this.pushObject(post); // <----- this this wouldn't be the array controller